Become a Member

Become a member of our Parish and register today!

You may return this form by mail, the collection basket, walk-in at the parish office, or through the Religious Education Office. Please make sure that all of your information is correct and up-to-date. Thank you!

Parish Registration Form (English) click here to print and complete

Parish-Registration Form (Spanish) haz clique aquí para imprimir y completar

If you are unable to view the form make sure you download the Adobe Reader. See Get Adobe Reader on the left side of this page.


Please note:

  • If you have a person or persons living with you who have a different last name, have them fill out a separate form.
  • Please indicate if you want Parish Envelopes or not for each family’s last name.
  • Please indicate if anyone in your home wishes to receive Holy Communion at home due to illness or advanced age.
  • If you have any questions you may call the parish office at 856-691-9181.