Music Ministry

We have an English chorus that sings in the Mass of 11:00am each Sunday.  Our musical Director, Karen Cliff provides liturgical music to the 4:30 pm Saturdays and Sundays to the 11:00.  

Also we have five Spanish choruses that sing to the Saturday evening masses at 4:30pm IHM & 7:00pm SFC & Sunday at 9:00am and 12:30pm. Our Organizer among the five choruses is Mrs. Damaris Thillet. 

Mrs. Jolyvette Ramos is our Choir Director for Divine Mercy Parish.

Please give her a call for any questions at (856)534-0747


La Señora Jolyvette Ramos es la Direcotra de musica aqui en la parroquia.

Favor de llamarla para cual quier informacion al (856)534-0747