Immaculate Heart of Mary’s Devotion

Representatives: Heriberto Salinas & Silvia Guadarrama

Salinas Phone: (856) 500 – 4574

Guadarrama Phone: (609) 350 – 2061

* This ministry aims to evangelize the light of the Holy Spirit, so that others may learn to grow their love for Jesus and the Virgin Mary. Through this evangelism and bringing Rosaries to homes, we hope families deepen their understanding and love, allowing Mary and her son Jesus to be the center of their household. There, forms a special devotion to the Virgin Mary and her Immaculate Heart.

The last Sunday of every month during the 8:00am mass, a figure of the Virgin Mary visits, entering in procession. At the end of the mass, the priest hands over the figure to the next assigned family, where it will stay in their household until the next month. Members of this ministry will then visit the home and read the gospel and Psalms, and pray the Rosary (which is coordinated by both ministry representatives). Motivating praises, worship, and prayer are all a part of this event.

Other celebrations are also coordinated and celebrated with this ministry, such as feast days, Novena, and celebration of the Holy Mass, presentations, and more!

All are welcome to join this ministry, whether from this parish or another. However, they must undergo training and receive information. For more information contact one of the given phone numbers above.  

• Ministry Meeting Time: Last Sunday of the Month at 7:00pm

• Dress Code: Blue Shirt along with Black Pants