Thank you to everyone who attended our meeting Monday night. The church was full of many of our most interested parishioners. Thank you also for the patience that everyone extended to each other in the translation process for each group. Our typical annual budget was presented both in expenses and income. Soon our Finance Committee will be preparing for the next fiscal year budget which begins on July 1st. At that time we will offer two open meetings to present the budget in detail. Each meeting will be in either English or Spanish.
$132,000 is the figure that we must now supply in lieu of the school and bus service rentals which will not be coming in any longer after June 30th. We already have received some possible leads for other similar programs who may be interested in renting our facility. If we are fortunate enough to find such a new rental we continue on, as we have, in meeting our financial commitments outside of our operating budget, namely our Debt Reduction and Subsidy toBishopSchadRegionalSchool.
We are hoping that all who have consistently given to our first collection will continue to do so and perhaps consider increasing their weekly offering. Our Debt Reduction envelope will continue until June 30th and we ask the many who have consistently given to this cause to do so. If a new renter is not found we have received the permission of the parishioners at last week’s meeting to redirect the income of the special envelope to ordinary operating expenses. We will also cut expenses and possibly some staff as well as initiate another Bingo night to attempt to address the deficit caused by the departure of the two renters.
The commitment cards that the parishioners received, we hope they will return within the next three weekends. Those who were not able to attend the meeting will be given an opportunity to make a commitment for next year’s contribution to the church on a weekend after Easter. Based on those commitments we will know to what extent we will have to cut the budget and personnel should we not find another renter.