
What is Baptism and why is it important? 

Baptism is the first of the 7 Sacraments. Here a person is poured holy water on their heads in which their original sin; passed from Adam and Eve, is washed away. They are made new through Jesus Christ representing His light.

Many verses in the Bible show the importance of Baptism! Here are some to get you started:

* Matthew 3:13

* Matthew 28:19-20

* John 3:5


Baptism Requirements:

  • Parents should be church-going members of the Catholic Church.
  • Parents and Godparents are required to attend 1 Pre-Baptismal class. If the Parents or Godparents are from a different Church and take the class at a different church, they must bring a letter from that church.
  • Godparents must be baptized.

The baptismal application must be filled out in the office. A copy of the child’s birth certificate and a $75.00 donation for each child are needed.

  • Baptism Spanish Classes: (subject to change) are given 1 Saturday a month at 11:30 am
  • Baptism Spanish Classes: 1 Tuesday a month at 7:00pm and 1 Thursday a month at 7:00pm.
  • Baptism English Class: (subject to change) is given 1 Sunday a month at 12:15pm

Baptism Requirements and 2024 Schedule // Requisitos para Bautismos – Español y horario 2024

Applications are only accepted at the Office.  They willNOT be received at a class.


English Baptism-Application // Solicitud de Bautismo