What is the Sacrament of Eucharist?
The Sacrament of Eucharist is completed after specialized classes to understand this sacrament’s significance thoroughly. Here a person is given the Body and Blood of Christ during Holy Communion. This commemorates the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is usually received by the age of 8 years after having undergone the catechizing (teachings) for 2 years in the Parish Religious Education Program and/or when the child is ready after receiving 2 years of instruction.
Here are some Bible verses if you are interested in finding more knowledge:
* John 6:51-56
* Matthew 26:26-30
* 1 Corinthians 11:26
For additional information and to register your child for Religious education classes in preparation for this Sacrament, please contact Daphne at (856)691-9181.